A Backyard Renovation
Location, Location, Location…is important not only with real estate but also with designing a garden.
Topography, sun, shade, wind, drainage, vegetation will create micro climates and conditions that can influence the design of your garden.
I’m located in the northern hemisphere and southern exposure gives us most light.
However, my urban backyard garden is on the north side of my home.
My yard is enclosed with a solid fence and has two 60+ foot tall deciduous trees at north end.
In the winter, the area under the tree gets direct sun, but not much grows there due to tree roots, and lack of soil and cold temperatures. It is however a great place to swing, sit & and look back at the veggie garden. In the summer the trees provide a refreshing shade and hide the compost bin in shadow.
To the west is a 5-story apartment building which casts a shadow in the yard from 4 pm on. This area is perfect for summer evening bbq’s, and for growing tall & plants that like part shade.
The east side is open to the sky, expect for the lot-line fence which has a shadow early in morning. This part shade area is taken over by a well established grape vine from spring to fall.
To the south is our townhome which cast shadows most of the year. This area functions as an outdoor room w/ part & full-shade plants.
The center of the yard is prime real estate & is the focal view from inside the home. Here fruits & veggies thrive. This area gets full sun, 6 + hours per day. As the deciduous trees grow leaves, the direct light in the veggie area reduces to approx 100 sq. feet.
Observing both the natural & physical conditions of your yard (throughout the year), will help inform where to best locate your garden plants.
Which conditions impact your garden?👇🏾
I wonder…
🤔 why not garden on the southside of the home? We love the big evergreen tree which is home to birds & squirrels and shades our home in the summer.